This simple program asks the user to input the lines or stage of a pyramid. Then it will display the size and shape of the required py...
এটিএম বুথ
সমস্যাটি সমাধান করার জন্য আমাদের প্রোগ্রামিং বিষয়ক গ্রুপ Programmer's Association of CSE 4th Intake এ দিয়েছে আমার বন্ধু আসির মোসাদ্...
Solution of Equations
This C program will help you to solve two equations and finally will provide you the result of the variables which are used in those equat...
Exclusive C
This exclusive program is developed based on menu. There you will find total 18 options to choose a program. Just press a number according ...
সি প্রোগ্রামিং এ কম্প্লিমেন্ট অপারেটর (~)
কম্প্লিমেন্ট অপারেটর (~) ---------------------------- কম্প্লিমেন্ট বা Logical NOT (~) অপারেটর প্রতিটি বিটকে পরিবর্তন করে। সহজভাবে এটি 0 কে...
Subtract two numbers without using subtraction operator
How to s ubtract two numbers without using subtraction operator #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1, num2; int sub...
Add two numbers in c without using plus operator
How to add two numbers without using the plus operator in c #include <stdio.h> int main () { int num1 , num2 ; int...
Result Sheet from class i-xii
This program is used to find out Grade and GPA based on obtained marks in Examination. Valid up to H.S.C Exam. # include <stdio.h> ...
Hello World
Almost every programmer starts their programming language with Hello World. Just say, “Hello world” by these sample C codes. #include...
C programming
You are most welcome to the world of Computer Programming Language. In this blog I will publish some interesting examples of C programming....